Gamer Brain

We can't say NO to a Gaming website with amazing animations and 3D art! Explore all the cool stuff we did for HP.


Web Development


8 weeks

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HP Gamer Brain

The Client


HP (Hewlett-Packard) is a worldwide known company, mainly due to their great electronic products, that ranges from desktop pcs to printers and more.


The Need


This time, the request came from one of HPs business units called OMEN, they focus mainly on gaming pcs and peripherals. They had a realy ambitous idea for a publicitary campaign under the concept of “Gamer Brains”, wich consisted on a quiz with a series of questions that at the end determined, based on your response, what kind of gamer brain you have, It was a really fun a nice concept.


The Solution


So we got to work, for this project we decided on using React as the tool for the job, not only for our solid experience working with it, but also for the great DOM interaction it offers, since this was going to be a project that realied heavily on animations and playing around with the DOM elements. Regarding the animation side of things, we used GreenSock, mainly because we consider that when it comes to animating a website there really isn’t a better solution than what this library offers. Not just from the ease of use, that allows you to really let your imagination fly without the concern of being something unattainable, but also, from the performance side of things. It really is a great library and one we whole heartedly recommend to anyone doing a project that realies heavily on storytelling or animations. With these tools at hand we managed to create something that not just us, but the client too, are really proud of.



We delivered a website that, in addition to its refinement and simplicity, reinforces the values and concepts of the brand.

Easy to access, dynamic and agile, a website that met the needs of the client and that its users will enjoy browsing. Go ahead! We invite you to discover a site with a narrative like no other.